Rachel’s Song – #OneHourSong

Although lacking a strict form, this simple playful song delves into a character named Rachel.  I started the song with no general direction, then decided to tell a story of Rachel, who can’t seem to give forth much effort.  The outside world scares her.  Yet, she feels free in her own realm.  It sounds really deep, but the lyrics are pretty whimsical.



This is what I wrote (Not all made it to the recording)

When you see it well you know so fast, but it can’t be the one you choose

No she’ll never be forever free but we all know that’s how it goes

She moves like a dream through the minds quite free to use her device like a trinket

Unlock the wisdom you wish to receive and never know the true potential

I cannot pretend that her tricks aren’t coy nor will she ever change her face

But here and there we’ll get a stare and know what this life could be

But rachel she just stops at home the whole wide world is never known

Rachel won’t have the strength to try nothing she even did got her quite by

But Rachel’s got to try a lot for me

Out her door she may peek but our hearts skip a beat

She just goes on standing there moving her eyes everywhere.

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