Daylight Will Prevail – #OneHourSong
Coming home to do this project today was rough. Sleeping hasn’t come well to me these past few nights and I was honestly ready to just crash and be lazy. However, I haven’t been satisfied by my last few songs I’ve written so I knew I had to do this. Now I’m glad I did. I realized my lyrics these past few weeks have been very trite and haven’t made much of a statement.
When I began thinking about things that were important, the polarization of the country right now came to mind. More and more people are spouting their opinions and associating others that disagree with them as the enemy. Obviously a lot can be attributed to the cause of this, but fake news came to mind and the sensationalism we see everyday in social media and news sites. One of my favorite quotes regarding politics is from President Dwight D. Eisenhower, “The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” Which in my mind represents that we must work together to solve issues, not that one or the other is wrong.
The lyrics spewed out pretty quickly, I looked up at the clock and was done with the entirety of the lyrics in just eight minutes. I didn’t even prepare a drum track for the song in advance, I just figured I would make it as it came. So the instrumentation on this song is pretty light, only piano, drums and vocals (bonus background vocals too!). But I’m pretty happy about how it came to be…and as of right now, it qualifies to be a demo for the next Validity album :).
Thank you so much for listening and engaging in the #OneHourSong project! Let me know what you think! Facebook, twitter, Instagram or a comment right on this page are all great! And don’t forget to check out my band Validity’s debut album, Twentynothing! You can get it for free by clicking on the link!
Daylight Will Prevail
Just you wait and see, boy, your mind is gonna be blown
Nothing even like it has even ever been known
When the world sees what the likes of us has got in store
Well the only thing you’ll hear is more
Sensation rages and on and on it must go
While the truth lays out there it is not our foe
But the gutter of the streets isn’t a great place to hide
You can’t answer all my questions painting yellow stripes so wide
So open up, oh, to the answers look at what tomorrow can bring
I’ve got a host of questions burning through my mind all throughout history
So won’t you find, oh, the right meaning inside the truths you hold so dear
Nothing will be solved by the fear of the night
Because the Daylight Will Prevail
Never more do we have to do the trivial or mundane
At the press of a button all our lives will be saved
No more beauty in the wild or wild in the world
Can save this hot disaster from running through the curls
But oh, what if we don’t even know the truths that surround our answers
And the paths we have to go…