Give Us More – #OneHourSong
Since today (2/14/18) is Valentine’s Day, I borrowed Sara Bareilles’ drum track from “Love Song”. No. It’s not a love song in the sense of Valentine’s Day love :-p. More of a fan loving an artist. Although the lyrics (which from now on I’ll also insert into these blog posts) were written imagining myself as the artist, I also wrote it from the standpoint of me being a music fan and being in awe when I go to see a concert.
Technology wise I was worried today, because my computer kept reminding me I was running out of RAM while I was recording…but I pushed through, and I’m glad I did. I feel like the chorus could be used for a song at some point. What are your thoughts? What band do you drop everything to see and feel the way this crowd does in the song?
I close my eyes to dream and think of what could be
Sometimes life isn’t as it seems, but I open up to see
The lights are shining down on us, the crowd is screaming so loud
Nothing could feel better than hearing the place go nuts
All eyes are honing in on me so tight no where can we escape
We wouldn’t dare put up a fight like that, the place is a party never seen before
Give us more, give us more, the crowd begins to say
Pushing and clawing up toward the stage, give us more
Fantasy and reality are blurred between the lines everything I’d wanted is awake in my mind
Now I see it clearly oh so vividly, nothing else will even matter more to me
The canons blow and confetti fires, fireworks so close they hurt your eyes
Nothing thats seen before has come quite this close